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How can I submit a photo?

Please email your photos or videos to dailybunny at gmail dot com. Please let me know whether you accept the terms of submission. If you want to link to a photo you uploaded to Facebook or Instagram, please make sure your privacy settings are set so that I can see your photo.

Don’t rabbits stink?

This is a common misconception and one I often see perpetuated in reblogs. If you don’t clean up after an animal, it and the room will start to smell. All it takes to keep the funk away is a daily litter-box cleaning. Easy!

Sometimes you show pictures of bunnies on leashes or harnesses. Isn’t that dangerous?

Harnesses should be worn on a bun-by-bun basis. Some rabbits don’t mind a harness and enjoy being out and about. Others, like mine, would never tolerate one - and might even hurt themselves just trying to get it off. Even if your rabbit doesn’t mind wearing a harness, you must be gentle and patient, and take precautions to make sure the rabbit’s surroundings are comfortable for (and preferably familiar to) him or her and free of predators or potential hazards.

For more on leashes and harnesses, click here.

Can/should I give my rabbit a bath?

As the House Rabbit Society explains, bathing a rabbit is strongly discouraged and can be dangerous.  Click here for more information and alternatives to the traditional water bath.

I found abandoned bunnies; what should I do?

First of all, know that wild mother bunnies are only with the babies a couple times a day, leaving them in the nest alone much of the time; this is the natural order of things. The House Rabbit Society has a pretty thorough article on what to do if you find a nest or injured bunny - read it here!

Is it okay to put a rabbit on his back?

We’ve shown pictures of rabbits lying on their backs and a few readers have written in to remind us that this is not good practice. When placed on their backs, rabbits go into a “tranced” or “hypnotic” state called tonic immobility. The rabbit can look comfortable and happy, but least one study [PDF] has shown that “the physiological and behavorial responses of rabbits to TI are indicative of a fear motivated stress state” with potentially dangerous respiration, heart rate and corticosterone levels (thanks to Amanda for the link).  In addition, there is the possibility that a rabbit can break the so-called hypnosis and, alarmed, jump up too quickly and hurt herself. Some vets, my own included, use this method to perform procedures such as nail clipping, but it is best to do so only as needed and for brief periods of time.

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Obligatory: I’m not a veterinarian and am answering these questions based on my own knowledge and experience. Final words should always come from your vet.

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